Ever wonder why you can have the best team on the planet, but your results just aren’t there?

When teams do their best work, they can move mountains. They increase your capacity and earning power dramatically. They let you pursue opportunities you can’t even see today. Teams are fun.

Except sometimes they aren’t.

So how to you turn your merry band of underperformers into your dream team? Take care of these common derailers. There are more gaps that we may need to plug based on your situation, but imagine how awesome it will be for you when these four foundational areas are solid:
Communication. Every employee survey, whether you have an amazing culture or a rotten one, ranks communication at the top of issues list.

Sit with this for statement a moment: Communication is the Response You Get.

Your communication issues aren’t “everybody else.” They start with you, the leader. If you don’t like how your team is behaving, responding, or performing, something needs to change about the way you are communicating. Use the attached Team Profile Questionnaire to see where your communication needs some beefing up.

Leadership. Becoming a great leader is a lifelong pursuit. There is no “check the box” that says you’re done. Have an insatiable curiosity around great leaders. Invest in every resource that you can get your hands on about becoming a great leader. Hang around leaders that you admire. Learn from as many different perspectives and cultures as you can. Great leaders are great lifelong learners.

Investment in Your Vision, Mission, Culture & Direction. Most people are pretty good about sharing your vision, mission, culture and company direction when people start working for you. But then what? So often, the foundation of your business gets lost in day-to-day activities. Pretty soon people are busy, but not productive. Trying to do the right thing, but working on “yesterday’s project.” Vision, Mission, Culture and Direction are foundational to your business and drive everything. Put them on your team meeting agendas. Include them in performance reviews. The more clear your people are on where you are headed, why, and how they “fit,” the better and more productive the role they can play.

Training. Too often, well-intentioned bosses give great individual contributors a promotion into management, and suddenly someone who has zero leadership skill or experience is expected to lead. Doesn’t work. It’s damaging to the person, the team, and to your company.

Realize that leaders aren’t born—they’re trained. The more you commit to training leaders, the more money you’ll make, and the less time you’ll spend working. Pro tip: people who see a growth path with you stay on your team a lot longer. Make sure your high potentials know they have a future with you, and train them before you need them to step up.

So… want to turn the team you have, into the team you know they can be? Take advantage of Team Profile for download. Have your team members take this, see what it tells you, and take action. We’re always here to help if you want to get there faster!

About ActionCOACH: Susan Thomson and Mike McKay own ActionCOACH Business & Executive Coaching of Wisconsin. Imagine a team that can take you from the chaos and stress of running your business to making more money, growing your team, and gaining freedom!MakeMoreWorkLess.ActionCOACH.com
608-441-374, SusanThomson@ActionCOACH.com